Essa® Dry Bulk Rotary Samplers
- Reliable, accurate sampling
- Low maintenance
- Simple installation and support
We’ve designed our range of Essa® Dry Bulk Rotary Samplers to be low maintenance while delivering reliable, accurate results from falling streams of ore. Our samplers are hard-wearing, self-contained and come with easy-to-replace cutters.
Accurate dry bulk rotary samplers backed by FLSmidth process know-how
Our range of Essa Dry Bulk Rotary Samplers is designed to deliver accurate sampling results from falling streams of ore while keeping maintenance costs to a minimum. Our samplers are easy to install, made from hard-wearing steel and built to operate within global sampling guidelines. They come with easy-to-replace cutters and liners and readily accessible inspection panels to simplify the maintenance process.
Being an FLSmidth product, our range of dry bulk rotary samplers is backed by the expertise of our in-house experts. Our experienced design team will provide you with the technical advice and support to ensure your samplers deliver the highest quality results. We can help with equipment design, selection and layout, structural design and chute design to deliver a sampling solution that’s customised for your operations.
Essa Vezin Sampler
Our Essa Vezin Samplers are rotary samplers designed for primary, secondary and tertiary cross-stream sampling of falling streams of ore. These samplers are square in shape to simplify installation and allow for flat wear liners. Under this design, the sampler is a fully enclosed unit containing a rotating cutter that passes at constant uniform speed through the falling stream of the sample entering from above.
Essa Dry Arcual Sampler (DAS)
We’ve designed our Essa Dry Arcual Sampler for cross-stream sampling of vertical falling streams of ore. These samplers are fully enclosed units containing traversing radial sample cutters that pass at uniform speed through the free-flowing falling stream of dry granular material.
Essa Rotary Tube Sampler (RTS)
Our Essa Rotary Tube Samplers are designed to split the sample material between the in-feed hopper and the material discharge chutes at the base of the machine body. This ensures a precise amount of sample material is delivered to each chute discharge. The unit comprises a head platform housing a braked gear motor with a belt drive to rotate a material chute (tube).
A range of rotary samplers for your dry bulk operation
Essa Vezin Samplers
Our range of Essa Vezin Samplers are designed to produce a truly proportional cross stream sample for primary, secondary or tertiary applications. A rotating sample cutter, located inside a fully enclosed unit, passes at constant uniform speed through the falling stream of sample entering from above.
Our Vezin range operates in accordance with recognised international sampling protocols using correct cutter geometry design with radial cutter edges, which accurately cut a fixed portion of the stream. The cutter is direct driven by a fixed-speed, three-phase electric motor and gearbox combination. Up to four cutters can be fitted to ensure the required amount of representative sample is collected. The replaceable cutter lips are manufactured from Ni-Hard steel.
- The Essa Vezin Sampler is specifically designed to be a minimum maintenance unit.
- The cutter and liners are readily replaceable in the field.
- Radial (wedge-shaped) cutter opening cross section as is required for rotary style samplers.
- Convenient access/inspection panels.
- Optional internal rubber lining.
- Optional automatic internal washdown.
- Proximity switches to ensure cutter parking is out of the stream.
Essa Dry Arcual Sampler (DAS)
Our Essa Dry Arcual Sampler is a fully enclosed unit containing a traversing radial sample cutter that passes at uniform speed through the falling stream of ore. These samplers are designed for cross-stream sampling of free-flowing granular material in a vertical pipe installation .
As with the Vezin sampler, the design and operation of the DAS is designed in accordance with recognised international sampling protocols, using correct cutter geometry design with radial cutter edges that accurately cut a fixed portion of the stream. The cutter is direct driven by a fixed-speed, three-phase electric motor and gearbox combination, with a cutter spoon designed to ensure that the required amount of representative sample is collected.
The sampler is constructed from wear-resistant steel with replaceable cutter lips, manufactured from Ni-Hard steel fitted to the cutter spoon.
- Flanged connection to process pipe/chute work.
- Inspection door and top openings for cutter adjustment and cleaning.
- Easily replaced cutter blades.
- Electric drive for constant speed control.
- Proximity switches to ensure cutter parking is out of the stream.
Essa Rotary Tube Sampler (RTS)
We’ve designed our Essa Rotary Tube Samplers to ensure a precise amount of sample material is delivered to each chute discharge. This is achieved by splitting the sample material between in-feed hoppers and the material discharge chutes at the base of the machine body.
The sampler includes a braked gear motor with a belt drive, contained within a head unit that rotates a material chute. Separate discharge chutes are fitted under the body of the head unit to divide the material. These discharge chutes are available in configurations ranging from two chutes to multiple chutes in a number of combinations to give the desired split percentages. Several differing percentage combinations of chute can be fitted at the same time.
- Two hinged inspection doors with mesh screens behind.
- Belt-driven rotating head via a braked gear motor.
- Replaceable cutter blades enclosed in the outfeed discharge chute assembly.
- Options for different in-feed chute sizes and multiple out-feed chutes of various percentages for split of the sampled material.
- Reliable, accurate and precise sample collection and division.
- Radial (wedge-shaped) cutter-opening cross-section as is required for rotary style samplers.
- Easily replaceable cutter lip assemblies.
- Convenient access/inspection panels.
- Proximity switches to ensure cutter parking is out of the stream.