Steel Laboratory Automation
- Maximise mill yield
- Minimise scrap
- Meet product specification
- Rapid turnaround times
- Maximised level of quality
Rapid and precise automated preparation and analysis of iron, steel & slag
Quality control for your iron and steel manufacturing processing can be revolutionised thanks to the benefits of laboratory automation technology. We offer you sample transportation, handling and preparation solutions that are optimised to achieve the maximum level of quality and the shortest processing time.
Integrated solutions tailored to your iron and steel manufacturing processes
An increasingly competitive environment is putting pressure on global steel companies to search for better ways to gain a commercial advantage in the market. They are looking for quality control solutions that allow them to produce a quality product in a manner that maximises mill yield and minimises scrap while meeting chemical specification. To produce high-quality iron and steel, producers must utilise sample preparation and analysis methods that are accurate, tailored to the individual sample types and deliver fast turnaround times.
Our automated and integrated solutions guarantee the optimal preparation of iron, steel and slag samples for all relevant analysis methods, including optical emission spectroscopy (OES), X-ray fluoroscopy (XRF) and combustion analysis.
Prompt and accurate analysis is key to a successful high-quality steel production operation. However, the quality control system needs to be flexible, so it can easily reserve capacities for preferential preparation of highly prioritised samples as well as efficiently manage sample peak loads. Our integrated solutions and control software meet all these process demands.
Our central laboratory systems often include:
- Pneumatic transport systems – to enable the efficient and quick transport of carriers containing metallic and slag samples from the production site to the laboratory
- Pneumatic receiving stations – where iron and steel samples, slag, pins or other material enter the laboratory
- Steel and iron sample preparation for OES and XRF analysis - the design of the sample preparation section depends on the types of samples used for quality control and the analysis method and may involve machines for grinding, milling or punching.
- Preparation for combustion analysis – production and/or collection of chips for carbon, sulphur, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen analysis
- Slag sample preparation – the crushing, grinding, pelletising or fusion of slag samples for XRF analysis
- Analysis section – integration of best-in-class analysers
- Control system - optimised to provide quick, safe and efficient preparation of all different sample types the system enables the smooth processing of high sample loads and complex preparation procedures. Priority management with various priority levels is deeply integrated into the software.
Automated and semi-automated containerised laboratories solutions allow you to take quality control closer to the process, simplifying sample transportation and allowing even faster turnaround of results.