Essa® Dry Bulk Sampling Systems
- Reliable, representative sampling
- Proven sampling methods that meet industry standards
- Product optimisation and quality control for greater profits
- Cost-efficient and long-lasting
- Expert advice and support
Proven and trusted dry bulk sampling
When you choose us, you’ll know your ore is in good hands. Our comprehensive process knowledge and quality engineering experience allows us to produce the most reliable and accurate bulk commodity sampling equipment available. When integrated with our laboratory automation and mineral processing and handling systems, we take your quality control and productivity to a new level of excellence
Trusted sampling – all day, every day
Expertly designed Essa® sampling systems deliver on accuracy, efficiency and durability.
Best practise involves firstly taking a representative primary sample from a conveyor. This is followed by degrees of subdivision, both in volume and particle size, to arrive at a manageable sample for analysis that is representative of the original primary ore. We engineer complete sampling solutions to achieve this goal. From small operators, to high tonnage mineral processing plants and ore shipment loading, we have samplers suitable for all stages in your process. Whether for primary, secondary, or tertiary sampling, or further sample reduction, our sampling equipment is designed to ensure the final sample presented for analysis is truly representative.
Our range includes linear and rotary falling stream samplers, sample collection units, and equipment for sample transport and size reduction.
Essa Dry Bulk Sampling Systems are used in a variety of applications:
Process plant
Shipment loading
Shipment unloading
The design of your sampling system is the key to, not only to achieving reliable results, but also to obtaining your sample in the most safe and efficient way. And that’s where we can help. With a global customer base and decades of experience, our in-house sampling experts work with you to design solutions best suited to your particular needs. We offer assistance with equipment design, selection and layout, structural design, and chute design. Wide industry expertise and technical know-how make all the difference to the quality of your sample.