Gas-Fired TRUXX G-Series – Portable and Fixed Installations
Algas-SDI has developed a revolutionary CNG decompression system with the TRUXX G-Series. The G-Series was the designed to offer the lowest power consumption of any CNG skid. The G-Series gives users all of the functionality and controls provided by our other systems. The key to the G-Series is the proprietary heating system specifically designed for CNG.
Whether your CNG equipment needs to stay in one place or go mobile, the G-Series is your full-function solution that can be installed on a trailer for portable applications or at a fixed installation.
- Integrated high-pressure heater with no remote glycol loop
- Low power consumption for sites that have little power available — less than 1 kWh of electricity compared to other systems using as much as 6 kWh for lower flows.
- Unit is built in 20′ shipping container, allowing for easy chassis/trailer selection or concrete pad installation and keeping your assets mobile
- Simple-to-understand HMI so you can quickly understand what is happening with your system
- Designed for ease of maintenance
- Modules available to 1250 CFM
The TRUXX G-Series CNG decompression system is the easiest to install.
- Units available in multiple sizes to meet your capacity.
- Designed to operate in a Class I, Division 2 electrical classification area.
- Weights estimated at 11,000–12,500 lbs. depending on capacity. Unit can be moved on gooseneck trailer with heavy-duty pickup.
- PLC designed with Ethernet connection to allow CNG distributor remote access to process information and alarm conditions.
- Two integral trailer lanes eliminate all high-pressure field piping.
- Only requires single-phase electrical supply.
- System requires no compressed air.
The TRUXX G-Series features an interior design that gives technicians ample space to work on the unit inside the container. Interior highlights include:
- -70°F (-57°C) inlet temperature ratings allow use of type IV trailers in cold climates.
- All components prior to first-stage regulators rated to 4500 psig/310 bar (highest CNG trailer pressure available).
- Automatic lane switching allows unmanned operation.
- Division 2 natural gas heater requires less than 50 gallons of glycol.
- Outlet temperature control responds quickly to load changes and trailer switches.
- System pressure remains stable when load changes without relief valves opening.
- Rugged first-stage pressure reduction eliminates costly seat wear.
- System comes standard with Coriolis flow meter. These meters have high turndown, no moving parts, and are resilient to dirty gas.
- Interlocks such as ESD, high LEL, over pressure, and low temperature are all actively monitored. Safety is always our first priority.