Combat Data Systems CAMS/Force Vision Guardion CMS, Link 11/16/22, SATCOMS
Missiles SSM, 8 Harpoon Block 1C; SAM, MK 48 16 cell VL, 16v RIM 7P Seasparrow
Guns Oto Melara 76mm/62, Signaal Goalkeper CIWS, 2 x 12.7 mmMGs, 2 x 7.62 MS
Torpedo’s 4 x 324 mm Mk32 Mod 9 twin tubes
Countermeasures ESM/ECM Thales APX and 4x SRBOC Mk 36 IR/Chaff, SLQ Nixie towed torpedo decoy
Radars Smart S long-range 3D radar, LW08 long-range surveillance radar, SeaWatcher 100 active phased array surface detection and tracking radar (NLD and BE ships only), Thales Scout radar, STIR 1.8, GateKeeper Electro-optical 360° survaillance system (NLD and BE ships only)
Sonar PHS-36 hull-mounted sonar, Anaconda DSBV 61 VLF passive tactical towed array sonar and ULTRA Electronics Multi-static Low Frequency Active Passive Sonar (NLD ships only)
Helicopter 1 x NH90